I haven't posted much lately, so I'm changing things up. Instead of weekend menaces, I'm going with mid-week menaces. Alliteration is good.
Some things spend their time doing two things: sleeping and looking for something to eat. We call them carnivores. Some of them have a process for determining what they can eat. If it moves and they can get it in their mouth, they eat it. This is one of those things.
I've commented on the pirate menace before, but now it's a little closer to home. Are you kidding me? I'm waiting for one of these border incedents to explode when somebody returns fire. Do you have any idea how many pick ups in this part of the world have a rifle behind the seat?
1 month ago
In an odd coincidence I encountered a slightly smaller snapping turtle on my way to work this morning. We had a deluge here yesterday afternoon and he must have gotten flushed out of the storm sewer because there was no body of water near the spot where I saw him sitting in the street this morning.